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In general, the Tardis project is well-managed that our team has successfully delivered the outcomes stated in the learning contract in satisfying quality and within a reasonable time.
As for the working hours, the standard workload of a 6-credit course in the University of Hong Kong are 120-180 working hours. Our team spent 808 hours in total, which is within the acceptable range of about 160 hours per person. Our actual working hours are 14% more than the original allocation. Although we spent extra time on the project, the total working hours still fall within an acceptable range of the course and the extra hours are due to our deliverables and exhibition instead of inefficiency.
Moreover, our team finished most tasks on time and there is no significant delay affecting our whole schedule. One of the major rearrangement we made is turning the social experiment from an independent task to a part of the exhibition. This rearrangement can avoid duplicate efforts in setting up the VR experience zone, and thus significantly reduce our working hours. As mentioned above, we spent extra time on refining the project so you might notice that most tasks of the exhibition were delayed. However, our team considers these as acceptable delays as they result in higher quality of our deliverables and exhibition while not affecting any other tasks.


Please find details of the programme (Interim programmes, working hours standard, weekly and daily working hours) by clicking the button below.

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Programme: About

Early and Late Tasks

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Programme: About
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